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Researchers Detail Statin Drug Dangers
(NaturalNews) With familiar and widely-advertised names like Levacor, Zocor, Pravachol, Lipitor, and Crestor, statin drugs have become some of the most widely prescribed drugs in the world. In fact, the medications (technically a class of drugs called HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) have been so hyped...
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Tags: Cholestral
via Blogdigger blog search for lipitor and liver problem.
Author: 291e7c
Keywords: health
Added: December 8, 2008
Get Your Eight-year Old a Statin, Stat!
I am outraged that pediatricians will now prescribe statin drugs to children as young as eight. When I first read this news, I thought it was a parody of American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines, but I was wrong. There is no research showing statins will prevent heart disease when our children reac...
Read the full post from Silicon Valley Moms Blog
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